Thursday, September 27, 2007

My iPhone Almost Didn't Make It Through The 1.1.1 Update

Earlier this week when I read Apple's notice about unlocked and hacked iPhones possibly rendering iPhones inoperable, I decided to go ahead and remove every 3rd party application from my phone by doing a software restore before the update came out. Despite having done this, I was still very nervous about doing the update, even though I didn't really need to be... or so I thought. I started the process, and was greeted by the now familiar update window with the warning that the update might make iPhones permanently inoperable.

The download was bigger than I was expecting at 152.3MB, and took about 4 minutes to download, and did so seamlessly.

After downloading and extracting the update, it went through the normal steps of extracting the update, and then a message popped up that said "Preparing iPhone For Software Update". All good, right? My iPhone was in its state of suspended animation waiting for the new software to start loading onto it, and then I got a message that I did not want to see:

With my iPhone still in its catatonic state, I did my best not to panic. I unplugged my phone, and tried to turn it on and got the Restore Mode icon on my screen:

I began to pray at this point that connecting to iTunes would actually work, and that my iPhone wasn't broken. The only thing I could think to do was to plug it back in. When I did, I got this warning:

I walked through the steps to recover my phone, and it worked. Tragedy avoided. I was afraid I was going to have to risk voiding my warranty. And while I know that might sound ignorant, when it's your phone at stake, see what goes through your head.

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