For as long as I can remember, I have had a fascination with the idea of "Portable TV". From playing with my Dad's black & white hand-held TV to the time when my parents got me my first hand-held Casio TV when I was around 12, I would persistently attempt to pick up any and every TV station that I could, despite our remote location out in the middle-of-nowhere East Texas.
Then, as time passed my fascinations seemed to pass from new laptops that could play DVDs to portable DVD players, all of which kind of pushed the idea of hand-held TVs into the "Old School" area of my mind. And then, a few years back I had my first run-in with an Archos portable media player... my childhood fascinations came back with a fury. Within months, everyone was announcing their portable media devices: Cell Phones with video, iPod Video, PDAs with video, Smart Phones with Video... and the list went on. It seemed that every corner I turned, there was a new multi-media device popping up capable of not only playing your TV shows, but your movies as well! But even in the midst of all of this, I remember asking myself, "Why would anyone want to watch TV on their Cell Phone?" It never even dawned on me that I had always secretly wanted was finally here!
My fascination with this was sparked again when I learned about two new ways not only to get TV

My hopes are high, and fingers crossed for a capability like this for my iPhone. While watching my TV shows and movies on my phone is cool, I would love the ability to watch live. If for no other reason, just to be able to do it.
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