There's one thing about being an AT&T Wireless customer that I just really don't understand, and that is why my AT&T membership doesn't give me automatic access to all of their WiFi hot spots. It just seems like a natural conclusion that they would give their customers the ability to use their hot spots, but for some reason they don't have it in them to include this, at least in one of their packages. And it kills me every time I see an open AT&T WiFi network, and I can't connect unless I pay as much as I do for my internet at home?!?! I'm already paying an extra $20/mo for unlimited data on my iPhone. Now, I understand that they're probably more interested in making more $$ than they are with making me happy, but don't you think it might draw more people to their service?
I'm interested in what everyone thinks about this. And while I'm at it, how about free Mobile-To-Mobile Texting? Anyone? We've had free MTM Calling for some time now, and I think it's high time that they started including it with SMS as well. Give us a break people!

If you have at&t DSL you get free basic wifi with that service. I don't know if that helps since you want it with the cell service. Anyway, you just login with the AT&T yahoo user you get with DSL.
An AT&T DSL subscription will give you free access to WiFi. I think perhaps their WiFi service comes from the "phone" side of AT&T while the wireless stuff is still basically Cingular with a fresh coat of paint. Maybe they'll figure all this out when the merger dust settles. One can hope... it would certainly by the right thing to do.
You're definitely right. If you pay for the data plan, it should include ATT hotspots as a bonus. That is a competitive advantage they have over other companies.
I agree that AT&T WiFi should be an iPhone package option.
I will point out, also, that higher-end AT&T DSL customers (3mbps or faster) automatically get free WiFi access using their DSL username & password. So, technically if you buy into the "whole package" of AT&T Phone, DSL and Wireless, you're sitting pretty. You're also paying out the butt.
You can add access to those networks for a few dollars a month, I think less than $5. T-Mobile doesn't give away their WiFi to their customers.
Hope you enjoyed being an AT&T customer... your account will be shutdown in one (1) business day.
If you have AT&T DSL (not the basic, but i think its the next level up) you get free AT&T Wifi. You just log in with your AT&T YAHOO ID and Password.
Not sure why this isn't a part of the iPhone contract too?
I completely agree with you!
I have an iPhone AND at our place in Hollywood AT&T phone/internet service. I don't see why we can't access their hot spots either. it's annoying and obviouly driven by cash flow. But, we're already paying them twice, why must there be a third?
What? How could they. Poor baby. Perhaps you should sue.
Because AT&T wireless customers have never been given free access to their WiFi service. The iPhone isn't the first AT&T Wireless/Cingular phone to do WiFi—should all the other WiFi-enabled phones get free access to the service as well?
Purchasing one product or service from a company does not necessitate you get their other services for free.
Well, we dont have AT&T where I am, but all of our ISP's dont include WiFi with DSL plans. They are all additional charges.
it is not a available feature on ATT Mobility/cingular. If you have ATT yahoo internet at home and had 2 of the fastest speeds you get free wifi access to ATT wifi hot spots
Maybe now that Apple has their foot in the door with Starbucks, they'll work something out to extend totally 'net access to iPhone users. As things stand right now, their free iTunes Wi-Fi access is creating some problems of its own..
I just think that AT&T is just a terrible company now. Before when they were just starting out in the cable internet business it was the best internet service around, so was Bellsouth. Now that they have joined, their service sucks.......just plain oldfashioned CRAPPY AOL TYPE SERVICE.
AT&T has had terrible customer service throughout their different wireless iterations and life cycles.
They are and were Big Brother:
"The United States woke up on January 1, 1984 to discover that its telephones worked just as they had the day before. But AT&T started the day a new company. Of the $149.5 billion in assets it had the day before, it retained $34 billion."
They were and are the Big Guy.
You are the little guy.
What they say goes (if you can reach them).
Quote taken from http://www.corp.att.com/history/history1.html
at&t definitely needs to step up. I tried to use the free wifi service I get with my DSL plus service (or whatever it's called) and they make you go through sites to find out the information on how. iPhone with at&t SIM card should automatically be detected and allowed into their WiFi service...
I have a feeling it's coming tho. If Starbucks can do it, why not at&t?
Amen Brother!!!
Here are my current complaints. I was an AT&T Wireless customer befor the Cingular beast took them over. On that AT&T I at least got free inbound text. At a minimum they need to go back to that. Free MTM Texting to AT&T would be good too. The thing is they are making a kiloing on texting. The overhead for them on a txt message is virtually nothing. Take that from a data communication professional. If they tellyou different they are flat out lying.
Sorry for the soap box.
AT&T sucks! Period. Verizon is way better.
What made you get AT&T, where you guys drunk?
T-mobile is doing something with their t-mobile @home product which does voip basically when you are near a hotspot at your house or elsewhere. Any T-Mobile hotspot is automatically usable, not sure if the @home phones will be able to use the hotspot for net access once they start rolling out, but at least its a step in the right direction.
T-mobile hotspots are usable by their customers with the @home plan. Even though they don't have any phones yet that could use the hotspots for anything other than calls, it'd be a hell of a setup if t-mobile hotspots will become free for t-mobile customer use as well. Would love to see at&t and verizon pick up on this idea.
Actually the T-Mobile Total Internet plan includes usage of T-Mobile Hotspot. As an aside, I don't really use the hotspots much since they are basically only in Starbucks.
You can get m2m texting for an extra 5 a month.
Yes, Apple has raised the bar for service in the cellular communications world. And yes, why should iPhone users "expect" access to ATT WiFi sites?
Well, it appears that is better negotiating service contracts in Europe ... each of the announced agreements with Orange, tmobile & O2 indicates that they include WiFi access at their thousands of hotspots across each country.
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